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Dear students, welcome to the Language School of Mariano Galvez University, a place where excellence in the study and improvement of languages can be experienced. Since our foundation, we have been dedicated to fostering English proficiency through innovative programs focused on translation and teaching, integrating educational technology into our academic programs. By joining the Language School, you are preparing yourself to face the challenges of an increasingly interconnected world. We are confident that the efforts and achievements of our students will continue to enrich both our University and the community we serve.


The Language School offers a holistic methodology that encompasses careers involving language teaching from the areas of translation, teaching, teaching, teaching, undergraduate and free courses. The pedagogical approach is based on a balance between theory and practice, encouraging the development of linguistic skills, critical analysis and intercultural competencies. The instruction program is adapted to the latest educational trends, incorporating innovative technologies and updated didactic resources. The main commitment is to provide students with an educationally enriching experience that not only strengthens their command of the English language, but also prepares them to face professional challenges with confidence and academic excellence.