
Who are we?

  • The Central Library of the Universidad Mariano Gálvez, was created in 1967 with the purpose of giving informative support through the research of books, thesis, references or other updated sources of consultation.
  • It is an administratively organized instance with trained personnel to serve with bibliographic resources to the students in their academic formation.


We are managers of scientific, technical and cultural information resources, carrying out the dissemination of knowledge, thus contributing to the achievement of the academic objectives of the University, supporting the improvement of learning processes, research, teaching and continuing education thus disseminating the knowledge generated by the same and actively contributing to social progress, thus ensuring a service of excellence to the university community and the Guatemalan society.


The library system of the Mariano Galvez University of Guatemala, is oriented to provide quality services with capabilities and competencies to make available to the entire university community information resources in an environment characterized by globalization, working in digital formats and electronic resources available through communication networks for the generation and transmission of knowledge, to be the main axis of academic and research activities of the University, subject to ongoing evaluation through international quality standards.


Our values constitute an element for the achievement of competencies in the teaching-learning process in the educational environment of Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala:

  • Professionalism: which we manifest in the orientation to the user of library services in the sense of responsibility and efficiency.
  • Commitment to the institution: understood as loyalty to the achievement of academic, social and cultural results of the University.
  • Social commitment: to channel the service to the user in respect, tolerance and courtesy, striving to meet the needs of the same with respect and cordiality.
  • Communication: efficiency of teamwork and therefore cooperation among library servers and users, thus fostering individual talents and aspirations.
  • Continuous improvement: having a spirit of innovation and creativity, with the ability to learn and adapt to change, applying new information technologies for continuous improvement.


  • Virtual Library

    Log in through MiUMG

    • Architecture
      - Art and Architecture -EBSCO-
      - Flipster -EBSCO-
      - Open Library
    • Medicine
      - Access Medicine -McGrawHill-
      - Dynamed
      - Dentristy and Oral Science -EBSCO-
      - Vidal Vademecum
    • Multidisciplinary -EBSCO-
      - E libro -Electronic Books-
      - Multidisciplinary Ebscohost
      -- Academic Search Ultimate
      -- Business Source Complete
      -- eBook Academic Collection
      -- eBook Collection
      -- Fuente Academica Plus
      -- MedicLatina
      -- Regional Business News
    • Latin Reference -EBSCO-
      - Research4Life
      -- Agora
      -- Ardi
      -- Hinary
      -- Goali
      -- Oare
    • Vlex -Legal Sciences and Criminology-
  • Virtual reading club

    For the purpose of conducting our information unit while maintaining the institutional and participatory nature, a virtual book club WhatsApp group was created with the officers in charge of the libraries of the university centers and teachers of the University. The first book was Largo Pétalo de Mar and now the book "El Zorro" by the author Isabel Allende is being read.

    You can contact us at the following e-mail address:

    Facebook: Club de Lectura Virtual UMG

    Our meetings are held on Thursdays every week from 2:00 to 3:00 pm.

  • Online Catalog

    It is an automated online public access catalog to the existing materials of the Central Library, specialized libraries and University Centers. Public access from anywhere through the Internet.
    It facilitates access to data for searching and display format of bibliographic records.
    Search online catalog
    By author, title, free text or keywords.
    Al obtener la información de las fichas bibliográficas, es necesario llenar la boleta específica para que las Oficiales de Circulación y Préstamo le proporcionen los libros solicitados, presentando su carné vigente.

  • UMG Thesis

    The theses of Mariano Galvez University graduates are available to users in physical and digital form. They may be consulted in all the specialties offered by the University and may be accessed through the online catalog, in full text and in PDF format.

    Consult our online catalog

    T1 UMG-ADM Administration
    T1 UMG-ADMHT Hotel Management and Tourism
    T1 UMG-ADMP Public Management
    T1 UMG-MERC Marketing
    T2 UMG-ARQ Architecture
    T3 UMG-ECO Economic Sciences
    T4 UMG-DER Legal and Social Sciences
    T4 UMG-CCC Criminological and Criminal Sciences
    T5 UMG-HUM Humanities
    T5 UMG-TRAB Social Work
    T5 UMG-SOC Sociolinguistics
    T6 UMG-IC Civil Engineering
    T6 UMG-IND Industrial Engineering
    T6 UMG-MEC Mechanical Engineering
    T7 UMG-IS Systems Engineering
    TL8 UMG-TEOL Theology
    T9 UMG-PSIC Clinical Psychology
    T9 UMG-PSID Industrial Psychology
    T9 UMG-PSIE Educational Psychology
    T11 UMG-MED Medical and Health Sciences
    T12 UMG-ODO Dentistry
    TEC 615.1 Medical Visiting Technicians
    TEC-CRIM Technicians in Criminology
    TGR UMG-ECO Master's Degree Graduation Works
    PA UMG-MAE Portfolio, Master's Degree in Advanced Strategic Studies with
    Specialization in Security and Defense

    To perform the search, type the code of the thesis in TEXTO LIBRE example T1 UMG-ADM.
    In the title of the thesis, the information of the thesis is displayed and at the bottom, in copy location, the digital link appears at the end.
    Consult our online catalog

Committee for cooperation among university libraries of Guatemala (CCBU)

Within the active alliances of university cooperation, is the Committee for Cooperation among University Libraries, who in this time we have joined efforts to provide online workshops for librarians.


Central Campus
3a. Av. 9-00 Zona 02
Interior Finca El Zapote
PBX: (502) 2411-1800 Ext. XXX

Monday to Friday: 08:00 a 14:00 horas
15:00 a 20: horas
Saturdays: 07:00 a 12:00 horas