Admissions new students

Admission requirements:

Hand in to the Academic Registration and Control Office:

For recent graduates

  • Placement evaluation certificate (Central Campus).
  • Complete the new student form.
  • Original and photocopy of DPI or passport.
  • Original middle and high school certification.
  • Photostat of title 5 x 7 inches (stamped by Contraloría de Cuentas).
  • Two recent passport-size photographs.
  • Make the corresponding registration payments.

For foreign students

  • In the country where the interested party studied and approved his or her studies, the Guatemalan consul must authenticate his or her diploma or degree and the certificate of courses approved.
  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs authenticates the consul's signature. |
  • The documents must be translated into Spanish by a certified translator when required.
  • The University studies the documentation to establish the equivalence of approved courses. Subsequently, the interested party will be notified of the classes and the cycle that he/she will be able to take in the career of his/her choice.

The student must complete all enrollment registration requirements, including submission of the following documents:

  • Placement evaluation approval slip (Central Campus).
  • Photocopy of DPI or passport.
  • Photostat of the title or diploma of high school level of 5 X 7 inches, with legal procedures.
  • Certification of intermediate level courses with legal procedures.
  • Two recent passport-size photographs.

For transfer from another university

  • Certification of registration.
  • Certification of studies (both from the University of origin).