Payment for university

Here are the different ways to pay for university.


Monthly tuition fees must be paid in advance within the first ten (10) days of the month.

If you pay after the tenth (10th) day of each month, you will have to pay a late payment of Q. 25.00 per month, if it is an undergraduate course; if it is a postgraduate course, the late payment will be Q. 50.00 per month. A fine of Q. 25.00 is applied for each evaluation undergone while insolvent.

There are three ways to pay for university:

1. From your bank's online banking.

You can make online payments with the following banks in the system through their digital platforms.

Remember, you must have access data from your bank; if not, you can request this information directly from them.

  • Banco Industrial
  • BAM
  • G&T

In the Services section, look for Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala, complete the form and select the corresponding item to make your payment.

2. At the bank

You can print your payment ticket from the MiUMG, platform, logging in with your username and password provided by the University. Look for the Forms of payment module to generate the document. Print it and present it at any branch of Banco Industrial, BAM or Banco G&T.

3. By credit or debit card

Now we have the possibility to make payments by credit or debit card.

Then you will have to follow the next steps.

  • You can use this service by logging in to MiUMG with your personal information or directly from here
  • Enter your ID number, then select:
    • Payment type
    • Semester/Trimester
    • Year
    • Month


    If it is a monthly tuition payment, you must select the month to be paid. For other items, you must select the current month.

  • In the next step you must make sure that the information shown is correct; if the information is correct, please select the option: Continue.
  • You must enter the following contact information:
    • Telephone number
    • E-mail address
    • Address: select department and municipality

    The postal code box is required and will only be requested the first time you fill in these contact data.
  • Then the amount to be charged will be displayed.
    For charging purposes, enter the card number and the CVV code on the back of the card. Also enter the expiry date in month and year.

    In case of an error in the transfer, it will be displayed on the screen.
  • Payment Confirmation.
    If the data entered and the transaction was successful, you will see the payment confirmation.
    At the bottom, you will see the button to print the receipt.

Credit/Debit Card and Express Delivery

When you make a credit or debit card payment to pay for a service such as course certification, there is the possibility to send it to you by express delivery. Upon completion of the payment process, you will receive an email with the confirmation and tracking code of the package.