Fines payment

Undergraduate Students (Bachelor's Degrees)

Fines are generated by submitting to extraordinary partial evaluations, final evaluations, make ups, as well as in the case of practical courses assigned and upon completion are not solvent; also fines are generated from any outstanding balance, this includes payments of complement payment, arrears or fines generated by insolvency of previous partial evaluations that had not been paid at the time, must be canceled Q.25.00 for each one.

Graduate Students (Master's Degrees)

Fines are generated for finishing the courses of the trimester, without being solvent of any outstanding balance; the same procedure also applies, as in Undergraduate (Bachelor's Degrees) must be canceled Q.25.00 for each course.

You can check your account statement with the Treasury Department by sending an e-mail to the following address:

Make payment

  • To make the payment, you must generate the payment document, enter MiUMG with your data provided by the University.

  • When you log in, you must look for the "Make payments and generate forms" module and within the module identify and click on the "Fine payment slip" option, complete the form and follow the instructions.

  • After selecting the desired months, you must click on the button "Generate slip"

  • A PDF document will be generated, which you can print immediately or save in your computer to be able to present it at banking agencies, or to make the payment online at any of the three banks in the system used by UMG.

  • In addition, you can pay by credit or debit card by choosing payment type 476 under the description "Credit to fine" for the amount of fines to be paid.