Disciplinary regulations

  • Students must observe a respectful and decent spontaneity towards the authorities, teachers, administrative and working personnel of the University. Anyone acting against this attitude, must be sanctioned in accordance with the corresponding statutes and regulations.

  • The reciprocal respect among fellow students is not only a recommendation or requirement, it is a norm at the University.

  • Students of the Universidad Mariano Gálvez must watch over the care of the buildings and facilities at the service of the University, as well as the furniture and equipment. Anyone destroying any property due to carelessness or premeditation, must immediately repair it in the determined procedure determined by the authorities.

  • Physical and mental hygiene are considered a fundamental part of the spirit. Therefore, students who appear in a state of drunkenness or under the influence of intoxicating substances, will be sanctioned according to the University's statutes and regulations.

  • It is strictly forbidden, while inside the university facilities, offices, classrooms, laboratories, patios, sports facilities, etc., to wear clothing that is against good manners, earrings in the ears, nose, tongue and other visible body parts ( only earrings in the ears, in the case of women). It is also forbidden to wear caps over the head in classrooms, laboratories, etc. Deans, Directors or Coordinators and teachers are responsible for the implementation of this measure.

  • Smoking is strictly prohibited in classrooms, enclosed areas, offices and other facilities of the University Campus.

  • It is forbidden to bring food or drinks into the classrooms, laboratories and libraries; as well as to eat or drink inside the same.

  • Students of Mariano Galvez University must contribute to prevent disturbing the environment in any way (shouting, making noises, knocking on the walls, etc.)

  • It is absolutely forbidden for couples of students to remain inside parked vehicles at the University parking lots.

  • In order to respect themselves and their classmates, as well as the University Authorities, the couples must preserve a decorous and dignified behavior inside the University Campus, otherwise, they will be verbally notified, and if they do not follow the rules, it will be consigned to their academic record.

  • It is forbidden to gamble in any type of game of hazard within the University facilities.

  • The students' behavior inside and outside the University's facilities is an evidence of their education at home.

  • As any other private educational institution, Mariano Galvez University is supported by the students' fees, therefore, their payment must be observed punctually in order to avoid incurring in extra charges and other sanctions..

  • Student Associations are allowed to be organized, but their inspiration must be eminently cultural and in collaboration with the goals and essence of Mariano Galvez University. Their statutes must be approved by the Board of Directors.

  • Universidad Mariano Gálvez is distinguished for its HARD WORK, SERIOUSNESS AND ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE. The Academic Calendar does not include any holidays other than those strictly legal.

  • Any political sectarian activity is totally forbidden within the institution.

  • It is forbidden to bear weapons of any kind within the University Campus.

  • Students are under the obligation to identify themselves with their ID card at the request of any University Authority.

  • In order to safeguard its prestige, Mariano Galvez University retains the right to cancel or not to renovate any student's enrollment, due to serious qualified facts, with no right to any refunds whatsoever.

General Regulations

  • It is forbidden to drive at more than twenty (20) kilometers per hour, honking horns and using sound equipments in the vehicles within the University Campus.

  • It is not allowed to park vehicles in pedestrian areas, of circulation and access to the University.

  • The spaces designated for the parking of vehicles must be used according to the authorized signs and instructions, while respecting the rights of others.

  • Vehicles accessing the University Campus may be checked by the security.

  • It is forbidden for vendors and persons who are not part of the educational or administrative activities of the University to access the campus. It is also forbidden to display sales on the sidewalks of the campus.

  • Furthermore, it is forbidden to light firecrackers or other fireworks inside the University facilities, or to bring musical groups into the University.

  • No vehicles parked in the parking lots are allowed to leave after 10:30 p.m., except for special authorizations.

  • Authorization from the University Administration must be obtained to place advertisements; thus, any poster or announcement that does not have the corresponding authorization will be withdrawn.

  • The above dispositions may vary according to the University's interests and needs.