Change of career, location or session

You can make this change until the last day of extemporary registration, according to the dates stipulated in the calendar.

  • To make the payment, you must generate the payment document. Log in to MiUMG with your data provided by the University.
  • When you log in, you must look for the module of "Make payments and generate forms".
  • Finally, after paying, you must return again to the form, enter MiUMG and look for the module "Make payments and generate forms" and look for the option "DIRE for payment of change of career, location or session" and complete step two (2) of the form, including:
    • Payment document:
      This means that you must enter the number that was generated at the time of payment, by means of the DIRE payment slip.
    • Career code to which you are transferring:
      You must enter the career code of the School (Central Campus) or career code according to the University Center to which you are transferring

If you have any doubts about the career code, you can check here.