Academic regulations

  • The curricula of the different majors of the Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala are periodically updated; therefore, the modifications introduced to the same and the special regulations that govern them are mandatory for all students.

  • The students of Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala are compelled to take and pass the subjects of their curriculum in the corresponding School or Faculty, in the respective number and cycle that corresponds to the curriculum and in the study period in which they are enrolled.

  • Students may, however, enroll in subjects of their study plan in a different day of the same career, in another school of their Faculty or in a different one, without exceeding their academic load, except when they are authorized to enroll in an additional subject.

  • The subject to be taken in another School of the same or different Faculty, must have a similar content to the one of students' own study plan, must be programmed to be developed in an academic cycle of equal duration, and have the same number of periods corresponding to such subject, not being taught in incompatible or mutually exclusive periods. These permissions must be approved by the Dean or Director of the Faculty or School to which the student belongs.

  • Students may only be assigned courses which prerequisites have been approved. If they have to take remedial evaluations, the assignation of the subsequent courses will be temporary as long as the corresponding prerequisites have not been approved.

  • The assignment of courses may only be modified (reassigned) within the period specified in the academic calendar, and in the following cases: loss of prerequisites, equivalencies granted, proficiency evaluations and schedule changes.

  • At Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala, the courses are approved with a minimum grade of sixty-one (61) points. Such grade is integrated from the course zone together with the obtained scores in the end-of-cycle evaluations.

  • A minimum of two midterm evaluations will be carried out in each semester cycle. The obtained scores, including class work and activities, if any, must add up 50 points. (The Schools of Dentistry and Medical Sciences are regulated by special dispositions).

  • Extraordinary evaluations may be granted, but not exceeding the number of one for each midterm evaluation. Noncompliance of this rule will entail the cancellation of the over-evaluated course, with no right to refund of the payment made for it.

  • The student is entitled to take a recovery assessment for each failed course, which must be taken on the scheduled dates. Extraordinary recovery assessments will not be granted.

  • In order to take midterm, extraordinary, final and recovery evaluations, it is an imperative requirement that the name of the student is included in the official list of courses. If this is not the situation, the student will have to immediately contact the Faculty or School office corresponding to the course assigned in order to solve the problem, submitting the payment slip, ID card, and the course assignment form.

  • A minimum zone of twenty (20) points is required to be eligible for end-of-cycle evaluations.

  • Students who do not complete eighty percent (80%) of attendance at the end of the academic period will not be entitled to take final evaluations. The Board of Directors may exempt from this requirement in highly exceptional cases.

  • The Private General Evaluation and the Thesis or Graduation Paper Private Evaluation are regulated by special dispositions.

  • The reassignments made outside the established periods of the Academic Calendar would be null and void, and no refunds will be given for payments made in this regard. Except for those referred to in numeral 6.

  • Students of the Management and Marketing Sciences from the weekend plan, may take and successfully pass up to four semester courses, as long as they fulfill the prerequisite system. The fourth one, if the student attends in the morning, must take it in the afternoon, and vice versa.